Render EDA Design Files Online

Upload design LEF/DEF files to view in your browser.

Drag and drop design LEF/DEF files or
click to choose from your computer


    LEF/DEF v5.8

    EDAV uses OpenDB parsers, which supports LEF/DEF version 5.8.


    Your design is only available on the server for parsing, then it is permanently destroyed.


    EDAV is open-source and available for the public on GitHub.


    EDAV uses WebGL for high-performance rendering with fallback to HTML5 canvas.

    Intuitive Interface

    Intuitive Interface

    Want a new feature or found a bug?

    Feel free to a open a GitHub issue to request a new feature or report a bug!

    Want to contribute?

    Community contributions are welcome, you can open a pull request with any new features/fixes you would like to provide.

    Thank you for supporting us!

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